make: Max recursion level (500) exceeded.: Resource temporarily unavailable

Mark Evenson mark.evenson at
Tue May 30 10:42:59 PDT 2006

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:
> Mark Evenson wrote:
>> Kris Kennaway wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>> Let me know how I can give more information to help debug this.
>>> Well, what else do you have set, or what were you trying to make?
>>> Kris
>> Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the error.
>> It occurred yesterday in the course of a "portupgrade -ras" for my local
>> workstation, which I don't have a log of.
> I would guess it's because of running -a with -r. Since -a walks the
> ports tree in the right order neither -r nor -R are necessary. I do not
> know the portupgrade source, but my guess is that -r added unnecessary
> dependency checks for every single port on your system.

"portupgrade" hasn't misbehaved  in the past, but thanks for the hint 
about the unnecessary "-r" option.  I picked it up when I first started 
using "portupgrade" (~2000?), and haven't really changed my behavior since.

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