Google Earth for Linux works on FreeBSD

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Thu Jun 15 09:49:15 UTC 2006

Quoting "Loren M. Lang" <lorenl at> (from Wed, 14 Jun 2006  
15:30:27 -0700):

> OS ABI error tells me that it might be loading the freebsd libs for a
> linux app.  You must use entirely linux libraries for linux


> applications, symlinking to freebsd libs doesn't work.  Mainly you just
> need to make sure all the appropriate linux libraries are installed by
> making sure the right ports are installed.  The google-earth port should
> have done this for you, but it sounds like it might not have.  The
> linux_base-* ports install a basic linux install without X11, but
> linux-XFree86-libs installs the X11 libs needed.  I've found though that


> that wasn't enough in the past, I have to add /usr/X11R6/lib to the file
> /usr/compat/linux/etc/ and then run the command
> /usr/compat/linux/sbin/ldconfig for any linux apps to find the linux X11
> libs.

Only if you use an unsupported linux base port. Either use the default  
one, or use the fc4 one (it will become the new default one RSN) and  
everything should work out of the box.


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