
Mariusz Górniak m.gorniak at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 11:35:00 UTC 2006

I've been using portmanager for a while but one of the sudden
portmanager dumped core:

#portmanager -u
00494 bitstream-vera-1.10_2 /x11-fonts/bitstream-vera
00493 glitz-0.4.4_1 /graphics/glitz
00492 libthai-0.1.5_1 /devel/libthai
00491 automake-1.9.6 /devel/automake19
00490 autoconf-2.59_2 /devel/autoconf259
00489 m4-1.4.4 /devel/m4
00488 gawk-3.1.1_1 /lang/gawk
00487 mc-light-4.1.40.p9_6 /misc/mc-light
00486 ratmenu-1.4 /x11-wm/ratmenu
MGrStrlen error: NULL marker not found in string
Assertion failed: (0), function MGrStrlen, file MGrStrlen.c, line 54.
Abort (core dumped)

Any idea?
 ___    Pozdrawiam!        Kind regards!        Herzliche Grüsse!
/o  \/| ks.Mariusz at Gorniak.PL ICQ#6099687     gadu-gadu#1404178
\___/\| The essence of life is not long life, but true life.

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