Something wrong with portlint?

Paul Schmehl pauls at
Tue Jan 24 08:07:57 PST 2006

I had all sorts of problems with portlint yesterday.  I kept getting errors 
that the COMMENT was missing even though it wasn't.  I got complaints about 
things being out of order when they weren't.  (X is in the MAINTAINER 
section - but it wasn't.)  In the end, I had to submit the ports even 
though they wouldn't pass portlint because *I* knew they were done 
correctly (and they worked without errors), not because portlint gave its 
stamp of approval.

Has there been a recent code change that might have caused this?  (I'm 
running 5.4 SECURITY on an i386 processor.)

Paul Schmehl (pauls at
Adjunct Information Security Officer
University of Texas at Dallas
AVIEN Founding Member

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