Ruby 1.8.4 and Rails problems

James Earl james at
Thu Jan 19 10:30:40 PST 2006

On 1/19/06, Jonathan Weiss <jw at> wrote:
> James Earl wrote:
> > dispatch.(f)cgi contain /usr/local/bin/ruby18 which should work.
> >
> > I just tried to run webrick on a clean rails application, and as soon
> > as I try to access localhost:3000, ruby core dumps:
> Are you on the latest stable and ports?
> There was some activity after Ruby 1.8.4 was updated in the ports. Maybe
> a later commit will fix your issues.
> I'm running 1.8.4 on two 6-STABLE machines with several Rails
> applications, so technically it's possible :-)

It was actually this latest update that seemed to break things for me.
 I was running Ruby 1.8.4 around the beginning of the week without any
problems.  It was just after I updated another server running Rails
apps yesturday that I started having problems.  I then updated my
desktop computer's Ruby port today to see if it would also break my
Rails apps, and it did.

I made a Ruby 1.8.2 package from a third server with an older ports
tree, and installed that back on my live server to get things up and
running again.

I'm currently running ruby-1.8.4_2,1 on FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE.

Thanks for your help.

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