FreeBSD Port: mgetty-1.1.34

Dmitry Kostikov kostikov at
Tue Feb 14 22:55:58 PST 2006


I am using mgetty with patch ( in attachment) by Alexey U 
Gretchaninov (scorpus at, ICQ 3272821) for some time.
This patch add some features: "answer-time" and time periods. I think, 
it can be useful for other people.

"answer-time" option allow to define answer periods for rings in the 


"answer-time 23"
    answer only during 23-th hour.

"answer-time 23,0,1,2"
    answer during 23, 0, 1 and 2 hours.

"answer-time 23-2" или "answer-time 23:00-2:00"
    answer in period from 23 to 2.

"answer-time 1.23"
    answer only during 23 hour at Monday.

"answer-time 7.23"
    answer only during 23 hour at Sunday.

"answer-time 2.23-2.2" или "answer-time 2.23:00-2.2:00"
    answer only from 23 to 2 at Tuesday.

"answer-time 2.23-5.2" или "answer-time 2.23:00-5.2:00"
    answer from 23 to 2 at Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Time periods can be combined in any order:

"answer-time 23-7,6.0-7.24" or "answer-time 1.23:00-5.7:00,6.0:00-7.24:00"

    Time periods support in the mgetyy.conf

Using of such construction:

    {<time period>} <option>

in mgetty.conf allow to control behaviour of mgetty, depending of 
current time. I.e. option <option> will be read from config only if 
current time lies in the <time period>.


{22:00-8:00}    rings 1
{8:00-22:00}    rings 5

  From 22 to 8 mgetty will be answer from 1 ring, in the period  from 8 
to 22 - from 5 rings.

{1.22:00-5.8:00}    rings 1
{6.00:00-7.24:00}    rings 2
{1.8:00-5.22:00}    rings 5

{8:00-22:00}    rings 5
{8:00-22:00}    fax-only y
{22:00-8:00}    rings 1
{22:00-8:00}    data-only y

    1. Don't forget to restart mgetty then next period comes (with cron, 
for example).

       For first example:
       0 22    * * *    killall -q mgetty
       0 8    * * *    killall -q mgetty
    2. /etc/nologin[.device] and answer-time have more higher priority 
over {<time period>}.

Also,  i attach patch-x (my adaptation of original patch for current 
version of mgetty+sendfax port).

I am apologize for my english. :-(

With best regards,
Dmitry Kostikov

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--- cnd.c.orig	Sun Apr 17 15:55:43 2005
+++ cnd.c	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -85,6 +85,9 @@
     /* (if AT#CID=10 is set, contributed by Edwin Groothuis) */
     {"NDID=",			&CalledNr},
+    /* USR Courier V.Evr with ID SDL (Russian caller ID support) */
+    {"CallerID: ",		&CallerId},
     /* yet another incompatible modem... */
     {"CALLER'S NUMBER: ",	&CallerId},
--- conf_mg.c.orig	Thu Nov 24 19:57:58 2005
+++ conf_mg.c	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -88,7 +88,9 @@
 	{ "rings", {1}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
 	{ "msn-list", {(p_int) NULL}, CT_CHAT, C_EMPTY },
 	{ "get-cnd-chat", {0}, CT_CHAT, C_EMPTY },
+	{ "deny-chat", {0}, CT_CHAT, C_EMPTY },
 	{ "cnd-program", {(p_int) NULL}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
+	{ "answer-time", {(p_int) NULL}, CT_STRING, C_EMPTY },
 	{ "answer-chat", {0}, CT_CHAT, C_EMPTY },
 	{ "answer-chat-timeout", {80}, CT_INT, C_PRESET },
 	{ "autobauding", {FALSE}, CT_BOOL, C_PRESET },
--- conf_mg.h.orig	Thu Nov 24 19:57:58 2005
+++ conf_mg.h	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -33,7 +33,9 @@
 	rings_wanted,				/* number of RINGs */
 	msn_list,				/* ISDN MSNs (dist.ring) */
 	getcnd_chat,				/* get caller ID (for ELINK)*/
+	deny_chat,				/* hangup modem chat */
 	cnd_program,				/* accept caller? */
+	answer_time,				/* Answer time */
 	answer_chat,				/* ATA...CONNECT...""...\n */
 	answer_chat_timeout,			/* longer as S7! */
--- config.c.orig	Sun Feb 28 22:17:55 1999
+++ config.c	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "syslibs.h"
 #include <ctype.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
 #ifndef ENOENT
 #include <errno.h>
@@ -19,6 +20,8 @@
 #include "mgetty.h"
 #include "config.h"
+int is_time_now(char *);
 /* read a line from FILE * fp, terminated by "\n"
  * the line can be of any length (buffer will dynamically grow)
  * - trailing "\n" is chopped off
@@ -323,6 +326,13 @@
 	norm_line( &line, &key );
 	if ( key[0] == 0 ) continue;		/* empty line */
+	if( key[0] == '{')
+	    {
+	    if( strchr(key, '}') ) *strchr( key, '}' ) = 0;
+	    if( !is_time_now( key + 1 ) ) continue;
+	    norm_line( &line, &key );
+	    }
 	lprintf( L_NOISE, "conf lib: read: '%s %s'", key, line );
@@ -419,6 +429,216 @@
     return NOERROR;
+int is_time_now(char *timeRanges)
+int firstDay, secondDay, firstHour, firstMinute, secondHour, secondMinute,
+    firstMark, secondMark, currentMark, Day, Hour, Min;
+char *p, *s, *f, *rs, *r;
+time_t Time;
+struct tm *localTime;
+    {
+    lprintf( L_ERROR, "empty timerange(s) string!");
+    return 0;
+    }
+if(!(rs = strdup(timeRanges))) return 0;
+lprintf( L_NOISE, "work timerange(s): \"%s\"", rs);
+for(r = strtok(rs, ","); r; r = strtok(NULL, ","))
+    {
+    if(!strcasecmp(r, "CM")) { free(rs); return 1;}
+    if(!strlen(r)) continue;
+    firstDay = -1;
+    secondDay = -1;
+    firstHour = -1;
+    firstMinute = -1;
+    secondHour = -1;
+    secondMinute = -1;
+    lprintf( L_NOISE, "timerange: \"%s\"", r);
+    if((p = strchr(r, '-')))
+	{
+        if((s = strchr(r, '.')))
+	    {
+	    firstDay = atoi(s - 1);
+	    firstHour = atoi(s + 1);
+	    if((f = strchr(s + 1, ':')) && f < p) firstMinute = atoi(f + 1);
+	    if((s = strchr(p + 1, '.')))
+		{
+		secondDay = atoi(s - 1);
+		secondHour = atoi(s + 1);
+		if((f = strchr(s + 1, ':'))) secondMinute = atoi(f + 1);
+		}
+	    else
+		{
+		lprintf( L_ERROR, "can't parse timerange: \"%s\"", r);
+		free(rs);
+		return 0;
+		}
+	    }
+	else
+	    {
+	    firstHour = atoi(r);
+	    if((f = strchr(r, ':')) && f < p) firstMinute = atoi(f + 1);
+	    secondHour = atoi(p + 1);
+	    if((f = strchr(p + 1, ':'))) secondMinute = atoi(f + 1);
+	    }
+	}
+    else
+	{
+	if((s = strchr(r, '.')))
+	    {
+	    firstDay = atoi(s - 1);
+	    firstHour = atoi(s + 1);
+	    if((p = strchr(s + 1,':'))) firstMinute = atoi(p + 1);
+	    }
+	else
+	    {
+	    firstHour = atoi(r);
+	    if((p = strchr(r,':'))) firstMinute = atoi(p + 1);
+	    }
+	}
+    if( firstDay < -1 || firstDay > 7 || firstDay == 0 || firstHour < -1 ||
+	firstHour > 23 || firstMinute< -1 || firstMinute > 59 || secondDay < -1
+	|| secondDay > 7  || secondDay == 0 || secondHour < -1 ||
+	secondHour > 24 || secondMinute < -1 || secondMinute > 59 ||
+	firstHour == -1 || (secondDay != -1 && secondHour == -1))
+	{
+	lprintf( L_ERROR, "can't parse timerange: \"%s\"", r);
+	free(rs);
+	return 0;
+	}
+    lprintf( L_NOISE, "parsed timerange: %i.%i:%i - %i.%i:%i", firstDay,
+		    firstHour, firstMinute, secondDay, secondHour, secondMinute);
+    Time = time(NULL);
+    localTime = localtime(&Time);
+    Day = localTime->tm_wday;
+    if(!Day) Day = 7;
+    Hour = localTime->tm_hour;
+    Min = localTime->tm_min;
+    lprintf( L_NOISE, "current time: day %u, hour %u, min %u", Day, Hour, Min);
+    firstMark = firstHour * 60;
+    if(firstMinute != -1) firstMark += firstMinute;
+    secondMark = secondHour * 60;
+    if(secondMinute != -1) secondMark += secondMinute;
+    currentMark = Hour * 60 + Min;
+    lprintf( L_NOISE, "firstmark: %i, secondmark: %i, currentmark: %i",
+				    firstMark, secondMark, currentMark);
+    if(secondDay != -1)
+        {
+	if(firstDay < secondDay)
+	    {
+	    if(Day >= firstDay && Day <= secondDay)
+		{
+		if(firstMark < secondMark)
+		    {
+		    if(currentMark >= firstMark && currentMark < secondMark)
+			{ free(rs); return 1; }
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+		    if(currentMark >= firstMark || currentMark < secondMark)
+			{ free(rs); return 1; }
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	else 
+	    {
+	    if(firstDay == secondDay)
+		{
+		if(Day == firstDay)
+		    {
+		    if(firstMark < secondMark)
+			{
+			if(currentMark >= firstMark && currentMark < secondMark)
+			    { free(rs); return 1;}
+			}
+		    else
+			{
+			if(currentMark >= firstMark || currentMark < secondMark)
+			    { free(rs); return 1;}
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    else
+		{
+		if(Day >= firstDay || Day <= secondDay)
+		    {
+		    if(firstMark < secondMark)
+			{
+			if(currentMark >= firstMark && currentMark < secondMark)
+			    { free(rs); return 1;}
+			}
+		    else
+			{
+			if(currentMark >= firstMark || currentMark < secondMark)
+			    { free(rs); return 1;}
+			}
+		    }
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    else if(secondHour != -1)
+	    {
+	    if(firstMark < secondMark)
+		{
+	        if(currentMark >= firstMark && currentMark < secondMark)
+		    { free(rs); return 1;}
+		}
+	    else
+		{
+		if(currentMark >= firstMark || currentMark < secondMark)
+		    { free(rs); return 1;}
+		}
+	    }
+	else if(firstDay != -1)
+		{
+		if(firstMinute != -1)
+		    {
+		    if(Day == firstDay && Hour == firstHour && Min == firstMinute)
+			{ free(rs); return 1;}
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+		    if(Day == firstDay && Hour == firstHour)
+			{ free(rs); return 1;}
+		    }
+		}
+	    else
+		{
+		if(firstMinute != -1)
+		    {
+		    if(Hour == firstHour && Min == firstMinute)
+			{ free(rs); return 1;}
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+		    if(Hour == firstHour)
+			{ free(rs); return 1;}
+		    }
+		}
+    }
+return 0;
 /* makepath
  * only needed on non-ANSI-compilers or for non-fixed arguments
--- mgetty.c.orig	Thu Nov 24 20:00:30 2005
+++ mgetty.c	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 #include "voice/include/voice.h"
+int is_time_now(char *);
 /* how much time may pass between two RINGs until mgetty goes into */
 /* "waiting" state again */
 int     ring_chat_timeout = 10;
@@ -613,6 +615,14 @@
+	    if(c_string(answer_time) && !is_time_now(c_string(answer_time)))
+	    {
+		lprintf( L_MESG, "out of answer time - do not accept call!");
+		mgetty_state = St_nologin;
+		break;
+	    }
 	    mgetty_state = St_wait_for_RINGs;
@@ -657,8 +667,24 @@
 				  &what_action, &dist_ring ) == SUCCESS )
-		if ( access( buf, F_OK ) != 0 ||	/* removed? */
-		     virtual_ring == TRUE )		/* SIGUSR1? */
+		if ( access( buf, F_OK ) != 0 ) /* removed? */
+		{
+		if( c_string( answer_time ))
+		    {
+		    if( is_time_now( c_string(answer_time)))
+			{
+			mgetty_state = St_wait_for_RINGs;	/* -> accept */
+			break;
+			}
+		    }
+		else
+		    {
+		    mgetty_state = St_wait_for_RINGs;	/* -> accept */
+		    break;
+		    }
+		}
+		if ( virtual_ring == TRUE )		/* SIGUSR1? */
 		    mgetty_state = St_wait_for_RINGs;	/* -> accept */
@@ -813,6 +839,9 @@
 	         ( c_isset(cnd_program) &&
 		   cnd_call( c_string(cnd_program), Device, dist_ring ) == 1))
+		if ( c_isset(deny_chat) )
+		    do_chat( STDIN, c_chat(deny_chat), NULL, NULL, 10, TRUE );
 		lprintf( L_AUDIT, "denied caller dev=%s, pid=%d, caller='%s'",
 			 Device, getpid(), CallerId);
 		clean_line( STDIN, 80 ); /* wait for ringing to stop */
@@ -820,6 +849,9 @@
 		mgetty_state = St_go_to_jail;
+	    if(strcmp(CallerId, "none"))
+		lprintf( L_MESG, "caller-id: '%s'", CallerId);
 	    /* from here, there's no way back. Either the call will succeed
 	       and mgetty will exec() something else, or it will fail and
@@ -1124,3 +1156,4 @@
---	Mon Nov 17 22:09:41 2003
+++	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #fax-group uucp
 #fax-mode 0640
+#  answer-time 23:00-07:00
 # ----- port specific section -----
@@ -41,8 +42,12 @@
 # Zoom V.FX 28.8, connected to ttyS0: don't do fax, less logging
 #port ttyS0
+#  answer-time 0:00-24:00
+#         or
+#  {22:00-8:00} rings 1
+#  {8:00-22:00} rings 8
 #  debug 3
-#  data-only y
+#  {8:00-22:00} data-only y
 # some other Rockwell modem, needs "switchbd 19200" to receive faxes
 # properly (otherwise it will fail with "timeout").
@@ -54,6 +59,15 @@
 # ZyXEL 2864, connected to ttyS2: maximum debugging, grab statistics
 #port ttyS2
+#  answer-time 23:00-7:00
+#           or
+#  {23:00-7:00} rings 1
+#  {7:00-23:00} rings 8
+#  For USR Courier V.Evr with ID SDL (ver >= 3.03):
+#  get-cnd-chat "" AT+S62=3+S64=1+S65=0+SR1 OK
+#  deny-chat "" ATH0 OK
 #  debug 8
 #  init-chat "" \d\d\d+++\d\d\dAT&FS2=255 OK ATN3S0=0S13.2=1 OK 
 #  statistics-chat "" AT OK ATI2 OK
--- version.h.orig	Wed Nov 30 11:47:43 2005
+++ version.h	Wed Feb 15 08:05:15 2006
@@ -1 +1 @@
-char * mgetty_version = "interim release 1.1.34-Nov30";
+char * mgetty_version = "interim release";

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