New /bin/sh based script to manage ports

Doug Barton dougb at
Wed Feb 8 23:18:37 PST 2006

Jiawei Ye wrote:

> Hi,
> What is the syntax for the portup.rc file? I have lots of options set
> for my various installed ports, how do I convert them to portmaster
> style?

That's a reasonable question, but I should point out at the outset that I
have not tried to match portupgrade feature for feature with portmaster.
This script has grown organically as I needed new features; or as users have
requested features after I introduced the script to "the public." :) Thus, I
have not attempted to reproduce portupgrade's feature of per-port build
options. I think that this is an interesting idea, and I'm certainly not
opposed to adding it if enough people who would want to use portmaster
otherwise tell me that this is a critical feature for them. However, I
personally put options that I care about in /etc/make.conf. I also keep
hoping that our OPTIONS framework will continue to be refined, and that more
ports will use it. Do you see this issue (per-port options) as a critical one?

On the other hand, if the question that you're asking is actually "How do I
write a portmaster.rc file to always include certain options for
portmaster?" then the syntax would be the same as the similar support in
mergemaster. Take a look at the getopts statement in portmaster, and add
something like:


to either /etc/portmaster.rc, or $HOME/.portmasterrc.

> Also, one thing I miss from portupgrade is the ability to deinstall
> some port alone with ports that depend on it. Can that be added as
> well? something like pkg_deinstall -r/R stuff?

Interesting idea. To make sure that I understand your request, let's say I
have a port foo, and in /var/db/pkg/foo- there is a +REQUIRED_BY file
that lists several other ports. You want to be able to say 'portmaster -R
foo' and have it deinstall all the ports listed in that +REQUIRED_BY file,
then deinstall foo? If so, I think that should be relatively easy to do,
I'll take a look at it.



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