INDEX build failed for 4.x

Erwin Lansing erwin at
Wed Dec 20 03:45:46 PST 2006

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX - please wait.. Done.
make_index: dtc-toaster- no entry for /usr/ports/www/mod_log_sql2-dtc
make_index: dtc- no entry for /usr/ports/www/mod_log_sql2-dtc

Committers on the hook:
ahze alepulver arved az clsung cy delphij dinoex edwin ehaupt erwin gabor girgen grog ijliao leeym lofi lth marius markus mich olgeni pav rafan remko roberto sat scrappy stas thierry tobez 

Most recent CVS update was:
U audio/checkmate/Makefile
U audio/checkmate/distinfo
U devel/p5-Proc-Queue/Makefile
U devel/p5-Proc-Queue/distinfo
U devel/p5-threads/Makefile
U devel/p5-threads/distinfo
U security/Makefile
U security/py-openid/Makefile
U security/py-openid/distinfo
U security/py-openid/pkg-descr
U security/py-openid/pkg-plist
U textproc/p5-Perl-Critic/Makefile
U textproc/p5-Perl-Critic/distinfo
U textproc/p5-Perl-Critic/pkg-plist
U www/Makefile
U www/roundup/Makefile
U www/roundup/distinfo
U www/roundup/pkg-plist
U x11-toolkits/sdl_pango/Makefile

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