can't cd to /usr/ports

David Symonds dsymonds at
Mon Dec 4 02:35:26 PST 2006

On 12/4/06, FreeBSD WickerBill <freebsdwicker at> wrote:
> "can't cd to /usr/ports"
> I'm getting this in every port I try to begins the make and then
> errors out with 'Error  code 2' telling me it can't cd into the ports
> work/portname directory. This has been happening for about a week. It's
> probably some global make environment setting but I can't figure out what it
> is. I've portsnap fetch extract to rebuild the tree but that didn't help. I
> would appreciate any clues and thank anyone with one.

That's not a particularly useful description of your problem. Can you
cut-and-paste the exact error message, and the surrounding lines?
What's in /etc/make.conf?


"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords
  is no basis for a system of government."

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