Skipping certain ports, no upgrade of installed packages ...

[LoN]Kamikaze LoN_Kamikaze at
Sun Aug 13 11:09:08 UTC 2006

Kiffin Gish wrote:
> How can prevent a given package from being reinstalled during the next
> portupgrade when I want to delete permanently?
> An example is the Galeon browser. Since it also appears in the
> gnome2-fifth-toe makefile t will automatically be rebuilt.
> 2nd question: how can I just keep a given version without having it
> upgraded?
> Thanks alot in advance.

.if ${.CURDIR:M/usr/ports/category/port}
IGNORE=	not wanted

This will keep the ports system from building them. But you will have to
edit dependant ports Makefiles. I'm doing that for arts and have to edit
the kdelibs Makefile every time kdelibs gets updated.

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