conflict check for upcoming merge

Doug Barton dougb at
Tue Aug 8 17:54:40 UTC 2006

[LoN]Kamikaze wrote:

> Here is the output of the script from another machine. Lots of
> qmake/qt conflicts, it seems:

FWIW, I ran this on my 6-stable box that still has the LOCAL/X11 split (list
of ports attached), and got similar results. The qt stuff should be fairly
easily solved, so that isn't too worrisome.

If I could suggest some improvements for the script (awkward since I can't
help code them atm) :)

1. Ignore info/dir and man/whatis. They are non-issues.
2. It would be useful (IMO) to flag files vs. directories. Files are more of
a problem, since two ports could be installing different versions of a file
with the same name and path. If we find that there are common directories
that a lot of ports need, we can add them to the mtree files and remove them
from the pkg-plists. There is a non-zero amount of work involved there of
course, but it's a lot less difficult than the file problem.

Finally there is enough mime related stuff in the output of conflicts for me
that it would seem the project that was suggested here a while back to
create a unified mime port could probably bear a lot of fruit in the new
world order, but once again, I'm in the awkward position of not being able
to contribute work towards this goal, just "helpful" suggestions. :)

One place to start might be the division between
*share/gnome/applications/mimeinfo.cache (interesting that gnome has it in
both places itself) and *share/applications/mimeinfo.cache.




    This .signature sanitized for your protection

-------------- next part --------------
===>>> Root ports (No dependencies, not depended on)
===>>> bash-static-3.1.17
===>>> bind9-9.4.0.a6
===>>> cabextract-1.1
===>>> ccache-2.4_4
===>>> gmake-3.81_1
===>>> libtool-1.5.22_2
===>>> nasm-0.98.39,1
===>>> portmaster-1.6
===>>> qmake-3.3.6
===>>> wavplay-1.4_2
===>>> xorg-documents-6.9.0
===>>> xorg-manpages-6.9.0
===>>> zip-2.32
===>>> 13 root ports

===>>> Trunk ports (No dependencies, are depended on)
===>>> amspsfnt-1.0_4
===>>> cdparanoia-3.9.8_8
===>>> cdrtools-2.01_5
===>>> cmpsfont-1.0_5
===>>> curl-7.15.4
===>>> djbfft-0.76_2
===>>> expat-2.0.0_1
===>>> gdbm-1.8.3_2
===>>> gsfonts-8.11_2
===>>> heimdal-0.6.6
===>>> ispell-3.2.06_15
===>>> jbigkit-1.6
===>>> jpeg-6b_4
===>>> lcms-1.14_1,1
===>>> libdaemon-0.10_1
===>>> libdrm-2.0.2
===>>> libdvdcss-1.2.9_2
===>>> libfame-0.9.1_2
===>>> libfpx-
===>>> libgpg-error-1.3
===>>> libiconv-1.9.2_2
===>>> libltdl-1.5.22
===>>> libogg-1.1.3,3
===>>> libusb-0.1.12_1
===>>> libwww-5.4.0_3
===>>> linux_base-fc-4_6
===>>> localedata-5.4
===>>> m4-1.4.4
===>>> nspr-4.6.1_2
===>>> openldap-client-2.3.25
===>>> perl-5.8.8
===>>> pkg-config-0.20_2
===>>> png-1.2.12_1
===>>> popt-1.7_1
===>>> python-2.4.3
===>>> svgalib-1.4.3_5
===>>> tex-texmflocal-1.9
===>>> unrar-3.60.b6,3
===>>> unzip-5.52_2
===>>> win32-codecs-3.1.0.p7_2,1
===>>> xmlcatmgr-2.2
===>>> xorg-fonts-encodings-6.9.0_1
===>>> xvid-1.1.0,1
===>>> 43 trunk ports

===>>> Branch ports (Have dependencies, are depended on)
===>>> ImageMagick-
===>>> ORBit2-2.14.2_1
===>>> aalib-1.4.r5_2
===>>> acroreadwrapper-0.0.20060221
===>>> aspell-0.60.4_4
===>>> at-spi-1.7.7_1
===>>> atk-1.11.4_1
===>>> autoconf-2.13.000227_6
===>>> autoconf-2.59_2
===>>> avahi+libdns-0.6.12
===>>> bitstream-vera-1.10_2
===>>> bug-buddy-2.14.0
===>>> cairo-1.0.4_1
===>>> compat5x-i386-
===>>> cups-base-1.2.2
===>>> cups-pstoraster-8.15
===>>> dasher-4.0.4,1
===>>> dbus-0.62
===>>> deskbar-applet-2.14.2
===>>> desktop-file-utils-0.11
===>>> docbook-sk-4.1.2_3
===>>> docbook-xml-4.2_1
===>>> docbook-xml-4.3
===>>> docbook-xml-4.4
===>>> docbook-xsl-1.70.1
===>>> dvd+rw-tools-6.1
===>>> eel-2.14.3
===>>> ekiga-2.0.2_1
===>>> eog-2.14.3
===>>> epiphany-2.14.3
===>>> esound-0.2.36_1
===>>> evince-0.5.3_1
===>>> evolution-2.6.3
===>>> evolution-data-server-1.6.3
===>>> evolution-exchange-2.6.3
===>>> evolution-webcal-2.6.0
===>>> fast-user-switch-applet-2.14.2
===>>> file-roller-2.14.4,1
===>>> firefox-,1
===>>> flac-1.1.2_1
===>>> fontconfig-2.3.2_5,1
===>>> fox-1.4.32
===>>> freetype2-2.1.10_3
===>>> gail-1.8.11_1
===>>> gamin-0.1.7_2
===>>> gcalctool-5.7.32,2
===>>> gconf-editor-2.14.0_1,1
===>>> gconf2-2.14.0_2
===>>> gd-2.0.33_4,1
===>>> gdm-2.14.10
===>>> gedit-2.14.4
===>>> gettext-0.14.5_2
===>>> ghostscript-gnu-7.07_15
===>>> gimp-print-4.2.7_2
===>>> gle-3.1.0
===>>> glib-2.10.3
===>>> glibmm-2.10.4
===>>> glitz-0.4.4_1
===>>> gnome-applets-2.14.2_1
===>>> gnome-audio-2.0.0
===>>> gnome-backgrounds-
===>>> gnome-control-center-2.14.2
===>>> gnome-desktop-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-doc-utils-0.6.1
===>>> gnome-games-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-icon-theme-2.14.2
===>>> gnome-keyring-0.4.9
===>>> gnome-keyring-manager-2.14.0
===>>> gnome-mag-0.12.6
===>>> gnome-media-2.14.2
===>>> gnome-menu-editor-0.6
===>>> gnome-menus-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-mime-data-2.4.2
===>>> gnome-netstatus-2.12.0_2
===>>> gnome-nettool-2.14.2,1
===>>> gnome-panel-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-screensaver-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-session-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-speech-0.3.10
===>>> gnome-spell-1.0.7_1
===>>> gnome-system-monitor-2.14.5
===>>> gnome-system-tools-2.14.0
===>>> gnome-terminal-2.14.2
===>>> gnome-themes-2.14.3
===>>> gnome-user-docs-2.14.2
===>>> gnome-utils-2.14.0_4,1
===>>> gnome-vfs-2.14.2_3
===>>> gnomehier-2.1_2
===>>> gnopernicus-1.0.6
===>>> gnupg-1.4.5
===>>> gnutls-1.4.1
===>>> gok-1.0.10,1
===>>> gstreamer-0.10.9
===>>> gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-0.10.9,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-a52dec-0.10.3_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-cdparanoia-0.10.9_2,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-core-0.10_6
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-dts-0.10.3_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-dvd-0.10.3,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-esound-0.10.3_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-flac-0.10.3_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-gconf-0.10.3_3,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-gnomevfs-0.10.9_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-good-0.10.3_4,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-libpng-0.10.3_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-mad-0.10.3_2,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-ogg-0.10.9_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-pango-0.10.9_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-theora-0.10.9_2,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-vorbis-0.10.9_1,1
===>>> gstreamer-plugins-xvid-0.10.3,1
===>>> gtar-1.15.1_2
===>>> gtk-2.8.20
===>>> gtk-engines2-2.6.10
===>>> gtkhtml3-3.10.3
===>>> gtkmm-2.8.8
===>>> gtksourceview-1.6.2
===>>> gtkspell-2.0.11_3
===>>> gucharmap-gnome-1.6.0
===>>> guile-1.6.7_1
===>>> hicolor-icon-theme-0.5
===>>> intltool-0.35.0
===>>> iso-codes-
===>>> jasper-1.701.0_1
===>>> libIDL-0.8.7
===>>> libXft-2.1.7_1
===>>> liba52-0.7.4_1
===>>> libafterimage-1.07
===>>> libart_lgpl-2.3.17_1
===>>> libaudiofile-0.2.6
===>>> libbonobo-2.14.0_2
===>>> libbonoboui-2.14.0_1
===>>> libcddb-1.2.1_1
===>>> libcdio-0.77
===>>> libcroco-0.6.1
===>>> libdvdnav-0.1.10_1
===>>> libdvdread-0.9.4_1
===>>> libexif-0.6.13
===>>> libgail-gnome-1.1.3_1
===>>> libgcrypt-1.2.2_1
===>>> libglade2-2.6.0
===>>> libglut-6.4.2
===>>> libgnome-2.14.1_1
===>>> libgnomecanvas-2.14.0_1
===>>> libgnomecups-0.2.2_1,1
===>>> libgnomeprint-2.12.1_2
===>>> libgnomeprintui-2.12.1_1
===>>> libgnomeui-2.14.1_1
===>>> libgphoto2-2.2.1_1
===>>> libgsf-1.14.1
===>>> libgtkhtml-2.11.0_1
===>>> libgtop-2.14.2
===>>> libid3tag-0.15.1b
===>>> libijs-0.35_1
===>>> libmad-0.15.1b_2
===>>> libmng-1.0.9
===>>> libmodplug-0.8
===>>> libmusicbrainz-2.1.3
===>>> liboil-0.3.9_1
===>>> librsvg2-2.14.4
===>>> libsigc++-2.0.17_1
===>>> libsoup-2.2.96
===>>> libsvg-0.1.4
===>>> libsvg-cairo-0.1.6_2
===>>> libtasn1-0.3.5
===>>> libtheora-1.0.a6
===>>> libungif-4.1.4_1
===>>> libvorbis-1.1.2,3
===>>> libwmf-
===>>> libwnck-2.14.3
===>>> libxine-1.1.2
===>>> libxklavier-2.2_1,1
===>>> libxml2-2.6.26
===>>> libxslt-1.1.17
===>>> linc-1.0.3_6
===>>> linux-atk-1.9.1
===>>> linux-expat-1.95.8
===>>> linux-fontconfig-2.2.3_5
===>>> linux-glib2-2.6.6
===>>> linux-gtk2-2.6.10
===>>> linux-jpeg-6b.34
===>>> linux-pango-1.8.1
===>>> linux-png-1.2.8_2
===>>> linux-tiff-3.7.1
===>>> linux-xorg-libs-6.8.2_5
===>>> metacity-2.14.5
===>>> mpeg2codec-1.2_1
===>>> nas-1.8
===>>> nautilus-2.14.3
===>>> nautilus-cd-burner-2.14.3
===>>> net-snmp-5.2.3_1
===>>> nss-3.11.1
===>>> nvidia-driver-1.0.8762
===>>> opal-2.2.2
===>>> p5-Authen-SASL-2.10_1
===>>> p5-Compress-Zlib-1.42
===>>> p5-Digest-1.15
===>>> p5-Digest-HMAC-1.01
===>>> p5-Digest-MD5-2.36
===>>> p5-Digest-SHA1-2.11
===>>> p5-HTML-Parser-3.55
===>>> p5-HTML-Tagset-3.10
===>>> p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.51_1
===>>> p5-MIME-Base64-3.07
===>>> p5-Math-BigInt-1.77
===>>> p5-Net-1.19,1
===>>> p5-Net-IP-1.25
===>>> p5-Socket6-0.19
===>>> p5-Test-Harness-2.62
===>>> p5-URI-1.35
===>>> p5-XML-Parser-2.34_2
===>>> p5-libwww-5.805
===>>> pango-1.12.3
===>>> pico-4.64
===>>> pine-4.64
===>>> poppler-0.5.3
===>>> poppler-gtk-0.5.3
===>>> pwlib-1.10.1,1
===>>> py24-cairo-1.0.2_1
===>>> py24-gnome-2.12.4_1
===>>> py24-gnome-desktop-2.14.0
===>>> py24-gobject-2.10.1
===>>> py24-gtk-2.8.6
===>>> py24-libxml2-2.6.26
===>>> py24-numeric-24.2
===>>> py24-orbit-2.14.1
===>>> py24-qt-3.16
===>>> py24-sip-4.4.3_1
===>>> qca-1.0
===>>> qca-tls-1.0_1
===>>> qscintilla-1.6
===>>> qt-3.3.6_2
===>>> sane-backends-1.0.17_3
===>>> scrollkeeper-0.3.14_4,1
===>>> sdl-1.2.9_2,2
===>>> sdocbook-xml-
===>>> shared-mime-info-0.18
===>>> sound-juicer-2.14.4
===>>> speex-1.0.5_1,1
===>>> startup-notification-0.8_2
===>>> system-tools-backends-1.4.2
===>>> t1lib-5.1.0_1,1
===>>> teTeX-base-3.0_9
===>>> teTeX-texmf-3.0_5
===>>> texi2html-1.76_1,1
===>>> thunderbird-
===>>> tiff-3.8.2
===>>> totem-gstreamer-1.4.4
===>>> vcdimager-0.7.23_3
===>>> vino-2.13.5
===>>> vte-0.12.2
===>>> windowmaker-0.92.0_2
===>>> wmicons-1.0
===>>> xorg-clients-6.9.0_3
===>>> xorg-fonts-truetype-6.9.0
===>>> xorg-libraries-6.9.0
===>>> xscreensaver-gnome-hacks-4.24_1
===>>> xterm-216
===>>> yelp-2.14.3
===>>> zenity-2.14.3
===>>> 261 branch ports

===>>> Leaf ports (Have dependencies, not depended on)
===>>> GNUDoku-0.93
===>>> OpenSSH-askpass-
===>>> acroread7-7.0.8,1
===>>> asclock-xlib-2.0.11
===>>> aterm-1.0.0_1
===>>> automake-1.4.6_2
===>>> automake-1.9.6
===>>> bison-1.75_2,1
===>>> fireflies-2.07
===>>> gimp-2.2.11,1
===>>> glunarclock-0.32.4_1
===>>> gnome2-2.14.3
===>>> help2man-1.36.4_1
===>>> hplip-0.9.11
===>>> imake-6.9.0
===>>> jhead-2.6
===>>> libdts-0.0.2
===>>> linux-realplayer-
===>>> mtr-0.71
===>>> p5-IO-stringy-2.110
===>>> p5-Net-DNS-0.58
===>>> p5-Net-ParseWhois-0.62
===>>> p5-Net-Whois-Raw-1.10
===>>> p5-Net-XWhois-0.90_3
===>>> p5-Test-Simple-0.64
===>>> p5-type1inst-0.6.1_2
===>>> pine-pgp-filters-1.2
===>>> portlint-2.9.1_1
===>>> psi-0.10
===>>> py24-xml-0.8.4
===>>> rpm-3.0.6_13
===>>> rpm2cpio-1.2_2
===>>> texinfo-4.8_3
===>>> thunderbird-enigmail-0.94.0
===>>> wdm-1.28_1
===>>> webfonts-0.30
===>>> wmMoonClock-1.27_1
===>>> wmcdplay-1.0b1
===>>> wmmixer-1.0b1
===>>> xaos-3.1.2
===>>> xchat-2.6.6
===>>> xearth-1.1
===>>> xfe-0.88_1
===>>> xgalaga-2.0.34_1
===>>> xine-0.99.4_6
===>>> xorg-fonts-100dpi-6.9.0_1
===>>> xorg-fonts-75dpi-6.9.0_1
===>>> xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-6.9.0_1
===>>> xorg-fonts-type1-6.9.0
===>>> xorg-server-6.9.0_4
===>>> 50 leaf ports

===>>> 367 total installed ports

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