emulators/wine: starcraft fails on FreeBSD 6-stablee

[LoN]Kamikaze LoN_Kamikaze at gmx.de
Mon Apr 17 13:18:13 UTC 2006

With previous versions of wine starcraft was running perfectly fine, now
I get the following error:

err:seh:segv_handler Got unexpected trap 0
Fatal error 'thr_resume_wrapper: thread has returned from
_thread_switch' at line 1128 in file
/mnt/vault/src/lib/libpthread/thread/thr_kern.c (errno = 22)
Abort trap

The screen resolution is changed to 640x480 and it turns black for a
moment before the crash occurs. The error seems to suggest that there
was a problem with threading introduced into the latest wine release.

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