lang/gcc41 - libjava report - install report

[LoN]Kamikaze LoN_Kamikaze at
Sun Apr 9 09:15:31 UTC 2006


Since the latest update to the port gcc41 builds and installs fine with
libjava. All "virtual memory exhausted" messages disappeared. Running
make with the '-i' flag is no longer necessary.

Since the build tools on my system have also been build with gcc41
installing is a little bit tricky. I have to run pkg_deinstall with the
'-P' flag to keep the libs around and remove them after a successful
installation. The 'fastjar-jartool' actually depends on the gcc41
binary, but doesn't look for it in the build folder. However the workaround

# cd /usr/local/bin
# ln -s /usb/bin/gcc gcc41

works as well and practically gets overwritten during the gcc41 install.
However this issue with fastjar-jartool should be addressed before the lines

# FIXME: As of 20051202, installing libgcj nearly kills 1GB machines.

get officially removed from the Makefile.

I hope my little feedback was helpful.

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