bash & bash-completion

Rong-En Fan rafan at
Wed Apr 5 19:35:17 UTC 2006

Hi folks,

I have bash-3.1.10_1 and bash-completion-20060301 installed on
a 6-STABLE box. However, each time when I want to use <tab>
to completion a name, some wired things will happen:

$ ls ~/out<TAB>
$ ls /home/rafan/output/<ENTER>

See, nothing happens. If I continue 

$ ls /home/rafan/output/<ENTER>

PS2 shows up. If I hit ^C and did a <UP-ARROW> again

$ ls /home/rafan/output/; ls /home/rafan/output/

That's really wired. I have tried to remove all my .bash*,
.profile, .shrc, .inputrc away and login, source bash_completion.
The situation is the same. I also tried to execute
/compat/linux/bin/bash and  source the same bash_completion.
The tab completion works well.

Since I can successfully use the same bash_completion on
the same bash version on other linux boxes, I think it is an
issue with our bash port. Any ideas?

Rong-En Fan

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