FreeBSD Port: boinc-setiathome-4.18

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Wed Apr 5 10:40:19 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-Apr-05 11:27:32 +0200, Pieter Sybesma wrote:
>What has been changed since the last version. Workunit times are very, very 
>high. Used to be 12-14 Hours (Dual PIII 550 Mhz, Freebsd 5.3) now 22 hours 
>at 35% time to completion 27 hours = 49 hours....

According to the setiathome website (see technical news for 7th
February), there's an enhanced client that uses a workunit that takes
much more processing (with a commensurate increase in credit for each
one).  This was designed to reduce the load on their servers (the
technical news talks about client transfer loads between 40Mbps and
saturated Fast Ethernet before this).  Unfortunately, they don't
mention version numbers.

Peter Jeremy

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