Testing software before it is ported

Christopher Nehren apeiron+usenet at coitusmentis.info
Tue May 17 08:39:28 PDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

On 2005-05-17, Jon Drews scribbled these
curious markings:
>   Can any of you advise me on where I can find software to do
> automated testing? I am specifically looking for shell scripts or
> programs that will simulate mouse clicks and the opening of dialogs
> and combo boxes. I don't know what these scripts would be called so I
> am at loss on Googling for them. In the past I have used "black box"
> testing to find bugs in the port I maintain. This is quite time
> consuming.
>  Also, if anyone can suggest books or material on effective software
> testing, I would appreciate that also.

Expect, perhaps? For GUI stuff, hmm. You can use DCOP for KDE. I don't
know about a scripting interface for GNOME. Would probably be useful, in

Best Regards,
Christopher Nehren
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (FreeBSD)


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