FreshPorts - newsfeed for your watch ports?

Dan Langille dan at
Wed Jul 6 17:51:50 GMT 2005

Would a news feed for your watched ports be useful?

It would require that you be logged in while fetching the news feed. 
I don't know the best way to accomplish that. If you fetch the news 
feed via wget or something like that, you're not going to be logged 
in etc.

Many browsers, such as Opera, and Firefox, will fetch the news feed 
for you. If you're logged into FreshPorts, and your cookie is set, 
that fetch will work for you. If you're not, the fetch will result in 
a 403 (Forbidden), or something.


1 - do you want this?
2 - what's a good way to accomplish this?

Other considerations: news.php now represents 13% of the website 
traffic. Adding yet more newsfeeds may increase traffic. It'd be nice 
to have a way to limit that. Mind you, with accounts, I can check 
when you last fetched it, and Just Say No.

Dan Langille :
BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference -

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