INDEX build failed for 4.x

Kris Kennaway kris at
Mon Jan 24 17:43:18 PST 2005

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX - please wait..gnome2-2.8.2: "/vol/vol0/users/kris/ports.clean/editors/gedit" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
===> x11/gnome2 failed
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1

Stop in /vol/vol0/users/kris/ports.clean.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /vol/vol0/users/kris/ports.clean.
1 error

Committers on the hook:
krion marcus mezz nectar pav 

Most recent CVS update was:
U Mk/
U devel/Makefile
U devel/bugbuddy/Makefile
U devel/bugbuddy/distinfo
U devel/bugbuddy/pkg-descr
U devel/bugbuddy/pkg-plist
U devel/bugbuddy/files/patch-docs_C_bug-buddy-C.omf
U devel/nasm/Makefile
U devel/nasm/distinfo
U devel/nasm/files/patch-output::outelf.c
U devel/openthreads/pkg-descr
U graphics/Makefile
U graphics/eog/Makefile
U graphics/eog/distinfo
U graphics/eog/pkg-descr
U graphics/eog/pkg-plist
U net/howl/Makefile
U net/howl/pkg-plist
U net/icpld/Makefile
U net/icpld/distinfo
U security/vuxml/vuln.xml
U x11/Makefile
U x11/gdm/Makefile
U x11/gdm/distinfo
U x11/gdm/pkg-descr
U x11/gdm/pkg-install
U x11/gdm/pkg-message
U x11/gdm/pkg-plist
U x11/gdm/files/
U x11/gdm/files/
U x11/gdm/files/
U x11/gdm/files/patch-config_locale.alias
U x11/gdm/files/patch-configure
U x11/gdm/files/patch-gui_gdmsetup.c
U x11/gnome2/Makefile
U x11/gnome2/pkg-install
U x11/gnome2-lite/Makefile
U x11/gnome2-lite/pkg-install
U x11-toolkits/Makefile
U x11-toolkits/eel/Makefile
U x11-toolkits/eel/distinfo
U x11-toolkits/eel/pkg-descr
U x11-toolkits/eel/pkg-plist
U x11-toolkits/eel/files/
U x11-toolkits/eel/files/patch-eel::eel-vfs-extensions.c
U x11-toolkits/eel/files/patch-eel_eel-open-with-dialog.c
U x11-wm/fluxbox-devel/files/patch-src::FbTk::Timer.hh
U x11-wm/xfce4/Makefile

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