Portmanager update

Scott I. Remick scott at sremick.net
Mon Jan 10 07:54:12 PST 2005


Just an update: I had portupgrade -aRf running for a few days. I suffered a
lock-up at one point so I used the -x flag in-conjuntion with a >= date
field the 2nd time aroudn to exclude those that had already built. That
finished and I have now had portmanager -u running for a few days. It's
still clipping along.

One thing I noticed w/ portmanager is that it's intolerant of any failures.
Unlike portupgrade which will continue to compile other ports if one fails
(skipping any additional ports that depended on the failed port),
portmanager just stops if anything fails. A few ports that have known build
issues with their newer versions I had to completely uninstall in order to
get portmanager to proceed, despite the currently-installed versions working
just fine. Examples: mplayer, flightgear (simgear). I would've rather had
portmanager skip mplayer and anything that depended on it (nothing) instead
of having to uninstall the working version, because then I could've still
had a working (albeit older) one installed.

Another issue I discovered with portmanager is when it depends on an older
version of something when you're using a newer version, and both are in the
ports tree and can't be both installed at the same time. For example:
linexplore depends on Samba 2. I use Samba 3. With pkgdb -F I could forced
Linexplore to depend on Samba 3 instead but the new method is to never use
that. So what is one to do in a situation like this? I removed linexplore
for now. I also used to use linuxbase8 when everything depended on
linuxbase7, although that apparently has changed and 8 is the new default.

Anyhow, thanks for your help on this... it's greatly appreciated.

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