Non-root port/package installs

Ade Lovett ade at
Tue Feb 8 14:28:28 PST 2005

Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> And my point is, if a port is being installed or removed from anywhere
> other than the users own home it should fail.

I don't agree.  There is a perfectly good setup to invoke su, sudo, or 
whatever, as part of the build/install process.

Why force people to needlessly spend time compiling large chunks of 
software, whilst running as root.  There are significant dangers doing so.

The obvious comeback to this is "well, build as non-privileged, and 
install as root".  So instead of:

	user% make install
	prompt for root password:

you're now forcing people to do:

	user% make
	user% sudo make install

which only works in the degenerate case of a single port not bringing in 
ANY other dependencies.  If there are dependencies which don't exist, 
the port would error out somewhere at that first 'make' step, as it gets 
around to 'make install' on a dependency.

Since this has already been taken care of with the various "su" targets 
within the ports infrastructure, it makes sense to actually USE it.

>  Seems like to test this idea of yours on the package build cluster 
> would require trying to install and remove a port to the base system to 
> make sure it fails, then to install and remove it from the 
> non-privileged user's home to insure it succeeds.  That is a 
> unnecessary waste of time.

Wrong.  As far as build clusters go, the EXISTING infrastructure allows 
for the build to occur as a non-privileged user, only elevating 
privileges when absolutely needed.  Very, very useful if you care about 
not executing potentially long-running, complex, very hard to "prove 
correct" jobs.

> This sounds like a function of the ports system to deal with, deciding 
> privileges vs ability to install where and when. No need for individual 
> ports to deal with this.

Wrong again.  The infrastructure for doing privilege-seperation of port 
build/installs already exists.  There's absolutely no need for 
individual ports to reinvent this particular wheel.

The issue here is simply one that, given the existing infrastructure, it 
makes far more sense to fix the privilege issues on a tree-wide basis 
than doing individual ports, one at a time.

Indeed, after the initial major flurry of activity getting the existing 
tree in line, one could easily argue that package building clusters MUST 
run as much as possible of their builds as a non-privileged user.

Using existing infrastructural code.  Not per-port hacks.


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