A bit of discussion: Why don't we use a stage?

Christopher JS Vance freebsd at nu.org
Tue Feb 1 14:31:14 PST 2005

On Tue, Feb 01, 2005 at 08:37:25AM -0800, Brooks Davis wrote:
>I use staging areas for many of my ports, but not all.  I find them very
>useful for ports that are mostly just bunches of files, for instance PHP
>web applications.  It's non-trivial to do this for all applications
>though.  Many applications really want to be be installed where you told
>them they would be when you built them and they have hard coded paths
>which prevent doing something else.  This is certainly fixable, but I
>seriously doubt it's worth the effort in many cases.

OpenBSD seems to succeed, and can be told to use systrace to enforce
that things get staged right.  Of course, they have far fewer ports
than FreeBSD.

Christopher Vance

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