Slimserver/mDNSResponder issues...

Forrest Aldrich forrie at
Sun Dec 25 19:15:42 PST 2005

I emailed the port maintainer about this... and didn't get a reply, so I 
figure I'll ask here.

I've noticed these errors in the slimserver.log:

    mDNSResponderPosix: Unexpected argument
    Usage: mDNSResponderPosix [-v level ] [-r] [-n name] [-t type] [-d
    domain] [-p port] [-f
     file] [-b] [-P pidfile] [-x name=val ...]
              -v verbose mode, level is a number from 0 to 2
                 0 = no debugging info (default)
                 1 = standard debugging info
                 2 = intense debugging info
                 can be cycled kill -USR1
              -r also bind to port 53 (port 5353 is always bound)
              -n uses 'name' as the service name (required)
              -t uses 'type' as the service type (default is
              -d uses 'domain' as the service domain (default is 'local.')
              -p uses 'port' as the port number (default is '548')
              -f reads a service list from 'file'
              -b forces daemon (background) mode
              -P uses 'pidfile' as the PID file
                 (default is '/var/run/')
                 only meaningful if -b also specified
              -x stores name=val in TXT record (default is empty).
                 MUST be the last command-line argument;
                 all subsequent arguments after -x are treated as
    name=val pairs.
    mDNSResponderPosix: Unexpected argument
    2005-12-22 02:46:12.7084 ERROR: Couldn't open song.
    2005-12-22 02:46:17.8440 ERROR: Couldn't gotoNext, stopping

I don't know what mdns.conf is really supposed to have in it; however, 
I'm not able to play anything on my slimserver now, and I wonder if it's 
related to this problem.


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