ICC ports has a trouble with ANSI string class which g++ doesn't have (FreeBSD5.4 ICC8.1.032)

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Wed Aug 31 07:34:22 GMT 2005

"Tetsuji \Maverick\ Rai" <maverick31337 at vfemail.net> wrote:

> If it's compiled with g++ it succeeds as follows:
> - ---------
> freebsd54:~/tmp% g++ -o t1-gcc t1.cpp
> freebsd54:~/tmp% ./t1-gcc aAAAa
> aaaaa
> freebsd54:~/tmp%
> - ----------
> However if it's compiled with icpc, it fails and dumps core:
> - ----------
> freebsd54:~/tmp% icpc -o t1-icc t1.cpp
> freebsd54:~/tmp% ./t1-icc aAAAa
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'
>  what():  basic_string::_S_create
> zsh: abort (core dumped)  ./t1-icc aAAAa
> - -----------
> what's the problem and how can I fix it?

At the first look I don't think it's a FreeBSD specific problem. Can someone
please verify if this also happens on a Linux system? If it is reproducible
there, it's not a FreeBSD specific problem and you should contact the Intel


http://www.Leidinger.net  Alexander @ Leidinger.net: PGP ID = B0063FE7
http://www.FreeBSD.org     netchild @ FreeBSD.org  : PGP ID = 72077137
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