Recording multiple package installs...

Paul Chvostek paul+fbsd at
Tue Sep 7 10:55:20 PDT 2004

I'm building a port for a PHP-based application that (like www/gallery
and so many others) could potentially be installed in multiple locations
on one server.  I'll aim this email at users familiar with that port.

I never use the www/gallery port, because in its current incarnation, a
second tries to record the package install to the same place as the
first.  I'm either forced to FORCE_PKG_INSTALL, b0rking my package db,
or skip the package altogether.  It just ain't right.

It would seem that ports like www/gallery (and databases/phpmyadmin and
others) could do with some way to idenfify the different installs that
might occur on the same host.  So ... where to record that?

Would PKGNAMESUFFIX be the right place to put this information?  And
what about replacing GALLERYDIR slashes with underscores?  Is that safe?
I.e. for www/gallery:



And while we're on the subject of www/gallery, what about using


to allow for fully-qualified install paths, instead of forcing PREFIX on
the front of everything?  It would require some rewrite of the gallery
port, but would it necessarily break things?  One could always set
PREFIX=/, but does gallery resist installing outside $PREFIX for any
particular reason?

  Paul Chvostek                                             <paul at>
  Operations / Abuse / Whatever
  it.canada, hosting and development         

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