
Tom Connolly tomc at
Fri Oct 29 14:18:21 PDT 2004

Hello list,

I tried asking this question on the MonoDevelop list but they tell me to
ask on the FreeBSD list so I figured questions was the best place.

Has anyone had any luck installing gtksourceview-sharp on FreeBSD? I've
successfully installed mono, monodoc, gtksharp but the
gtksourceview-sharp 0.5 build fails with the following error:

Assertion failed: (lu ->lu_myreq ->lr_owner==lu),function_lock_acquire,

file /usr/src/lib/libpthread/sys/lock.c, line 171

Abort trap (core dumped)

*** Error code 134

If there is a better list to ask on, please let me know and I will ask

Thanks for the Help


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