ports/73235: New port devel/p5-Test-NoWarnings

Kapranoff Alex kappa at rambler-co.ru
Thu Oct 28 07:27:57 PDT 2004

* Cheng-Lung Sung <clsung at FreeBSD.org> [October 28 2004, 17:46]:
> Hello, 
>     I'm testing your pr, there are two questions I don't understand.
>     1. in build/install/deinstall section, I can't see any difference
>        when set "INSTALL_TARGET=      pure_install". Can you explain
>        this to me? thanks.

`pure_install' disables writing anything into /usr/local/lib/perllocal.pod,
and I strongly advocate for this feature. We never clean up perllocal,
so we'd better not clutter it. Newer Module::Build-based module
distributions do not bother with perllocal, it is obviously obsolete.

You can notice the difference watching the installation output, btw.
Normal `install' informs that it has written something to perllocal.

>     2. in test phase (make test), I've noticed that Devel::StackTrace 
>        is eval(ed). Also in Warnings.pm. How about add this into 

Devel::StackTrace is optional really. The presence of this module at
run-time enables additional diagnostics from Test::NoWarnings but I
don't think the benefit justifies for a dependency. The user will
install it if she wants more diag, this is documented.

>     Thank you for your works.
>     By the way, ports/73237 (p5-Test-Deep) has the same issue (#1).

Thanks for quick response and all your, commiters crew, hard work :)

Alex Kapranoff,
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$SIG{__WARN__}=sub{print substr("@_",-43+ord$_,1)for

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