portupgrade silently refuses to install one port

Fernan Aguero fernan at iib.unsam.edu.ar
Wed Oct 27 07:24:59 PDT 2004


I'm trying to install x11/fbdesk and portupgrade does not do

pi# portinstall --verbose x11/fbdesk
--->  Session started at: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:04:37 -0300
** None has been installed or upgraded.
--->  Session ended at: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 11:04:41 -0300 (consumed 00:00:03)

I can confirm that this port hasn't been installed:

pi# pkg_version -v -s fbdesk
pkg_info: can't find package '*fbdesk*' installed or in a file!

pi# ls /var/db/pkg/f
fam-2.6.4/                    fluxbox-devel-0.9.10/
fasta3-33.t08.d4/             fluxconf-0.9.4_2/
fastest_cvsup-0.2.8/          fontconfig-2.2.90_3/
fetchmail-6.2.5_2/            fping-2.4b2/
fftw-2.1.5_1/                 freetype-1.3.1_2/
firefox-1.0.1.p_4/            freetype2-2.1.7_3/
flashplugin-mozilla-0.4.10_2/ frontline-0.5.4/

What intrigues me is the lack of any useful message about it
(error, warn, whatever).

OTOH, doing a 'make clean && make install' in place is now
progressing as expected. 

Why is it that portupgrade is not doing its job? I have run
'pkgdb -F' and the only errors I see are related to a couple
of ports I have installed that are not in the FreeBSD ports
tree and some dependencies of openoffice on xorg stuff (I
have XFree86).


Fernán Agüero | Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas
email         | fernan at { iib.unsam.edu.ar , mail.retina.ar }
wwww          | http://genoma.unsam.edu.ar/~fernan
phone, fax    | +54 11 { 4580-7255 ext 310, 4752-9639 }

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