[ports-i386@FreeBSD.org: rlwrap-0.18 failed on i386 4]

Frank Laszlo laszlof at vonostingroup.com
Mon Oct 25 12:30:54 PDT 2004

Kris Kennaway wrote:

>On Mon, Oct 25, 2004 at 08:59:21AM -0400, Frank Laszlo wrote:
>>I did a sweet of INDEX to check for other ports depending on 
>>devel/readline, I didnt come up with anything other than my own 
>>'ftp/quftp' port. Is this a new port? Or maybe I just missed it.
>It's been there for 3 years, so no :)
>In general you have to do a grep -r instead of just checking INDEX,
>because not everything depends on a given port by default - the
>dependency might be hidden behind an option.  In this case, it's only
>a dependency on 4.x systems since 5.x includes a newer version of
>libreadline that satisfies the dependency requirements.
>>which needs to be upped to libreadline.so.5, I have submited a PR to fix 
>>this and CC'd the original port submiter (ijliao) The maintainer appears 
>>to be ports at . Maybe I should assume maintainership for this port? Thanks 
>>for the heads up Kris.
>Thanks, we can always use more maintainers :)
Should I submit a PR w/ patch for the MAINTAINER change? or can you hack 
this in? Thanks


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