comments bout netpanzer update

Guido Falsi mad at
Sun Oct 17 05:24:32 PDT 2004

Hello! I'm the maintainer of games/netpanzer. In the near future a new
release will be available(0.2.0).

s you may nitice the port is devide3d in 2 parts: netpanzer and
netpanzerdata. the second part used to download a distfile named
netpanzerdata-(version), now developers have choosen to rename it to

My quewstion is, is it acceptable to request to change the name of the
second port in an update, this would be more consistent, or should I
stick to netpanzerdata and grok around with DISTNAME or DISTFILES?

I understand changing a port name is an action which does not like to
committers, so I'd like to know in advance what I should do.

Thanks for any help and info.

Guido Falsi <mad at>

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