ports/net/ntop compile fails for FreeBSD 5.2.1
Jens Roeder
j.roeder at tu-bs.de
Sat Oct 16 12:40:26 PDT 2004
On Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Wesley Shields wrote:
> The handbook has a great section on cvsup and how to use it[1]. I'd
> suggest reading that if you haven't already.
> Reading the section in the handbook, and the example supfiles in
> /usr/share/examples/cvsup/ you should have more than enough information
> to update your ports tree.
thanks a lot for the quick and kindly help. You all do a good job there,
what has to mentioned. The update is working now fine. My only concern now
is, how the same ports tree works on different releases. Aren't there
library problems to expect, when a port expects a certain library version
to compile and when on different releases differnt library versions are in
use? Sorry, maybe I have not understood some of the basics philosphy of
FreeBSD as I am mainly worked with linux before and there I know these
kind of problems.
best regards from far old Germany
Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der TU-Braunschweig
Jens Röder, Hans-Sommer Str.10, 38106 Braunschweig
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