Apache13+static modperl+modssl?

Tillman Hodgson tillman at seekingfire.com
Tue Oct 12 14:30:06 PDT 2004

Howdy folks, 

[bringing this over from the questions@ list]

How does one get Apache compiled with both a statically compiled modperl
(required for www/bricolage) as well as modssl?

I see a www/apache13-modssl and a www/apache13-modperl, but spelunking
through the Makefiles for either doesn't reveal a knob that enables the
"other" option.

I currently have www/apache13-modssl and www/mod_perl installed which
results in `/usr/local/sbin/httpd -l` showing:

Compiled-in modules:
suexec: disabled; invalid wrapper /usr/local/sbin/suexec

www/bricolage wants a compiled-in mod_perl and I want mod_ssl. It looks
like conflicting desires if I want to stick to non-modified ports. I'm
hoping that there's a knob somewhere that I'm missing :-) 


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