"Featured ports of the month"

Christopher Nehren apeiron at comcast.net
Wed May 19 16:44:37 PDT 2004

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 08:28:10 EDT, Kris Kennaway scribbled these
curious markings:
> The ports collection is so large thesedays that it can be hard to find
> something unless you already have some idea about what you're looking
> for.  However those of us who have been using FreeBSD for a while tend
> to have picked up a collection of ports that are now essential for our
> day-to-day FreeBSD use.

Sounds like a great idea.

> It would be a nice project to publicize these a bit.  For example, we
> could ask users to submit a write-up of ports that they find
> remarkable or useful, explaining briefly what the port does and why
> it's cool or useful to them.  Once a month or so a selection of these
> could be posted on the website.

I suppose that popular ports (e.g. Perl) are not allowed?

> This project would need one or more coordinators, to solicit
> submissions from users as needed, select the items for publication and
> update the webpages.
> Is anyone interested in taking this on?

I volunteer to do anything but markup-fu. 

I abhor a system designed for the "user", if that word is a coded
pejorative meaning "stupid and unsophisticated".  -- Ken Thompson
Unix is user friendly. However, it isn't idiot friendly.
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