tcl serial port support

John Hay jhay at
Mon Jun 28 01:08:47 PDT 2004


I have been trying to get gpsman 6.1.1 (astro/gpsman) to work with the
gps on my serial port, but it looks like our tcl does not support serial
port access. I have used tcl-8.4.6,1 from the -current packages on a
-current machine. On the gpsman web site there is a piece about some tcl
ports not being configured correctly and then not being able to use serial
ports. They also have a test program there and its output looks like this:

angel:~ > tmp/testTclserial.tcl
Error in startup script: bad option "-mode": should be one of -blocking, -buffering, -buffersize, -encoding, -eofchar, or -translation
    while executing
"fconfigure $SRLFILE -blocking 0 -mode 9600,n,8,1 -translation binary"
    (file "tmp/testTclserial.tcl" line 48)

The gpsman known problem page is at:
The serial port test program is at:

In the testTclserial.tcl program I have changed the "exec wish" to wish8.4
and the "set DEVICE /dev/ttyS0" to /dev/cuaa0 which is where my gps is

So have anybody used tcl with serial ports or maybe have an idea how to
get our tcl to work with serial ports?


John Hay -- John.Hay at / jhay at

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