A question about PERL PORTS

Gilbert C Healton ghealton at overpass.exit109.com
Tue Jun 15 14:04:13 GMT 2004

Yes, but I am being asked to deliver the CPAN modules as BSD ports.
so our local packages can use @pkgdep to pull in the perl packages
as needed (a big issue for field upgrades of older products).
The CPAN/Perl modules use @conflicts, @pkgdep,  etc.  As with all
other BSD ports.

   ghealton at exit109.com   http://www.exit109.com/~ghealton/
	Computers are like air conditioners:
	      they don't work well when Windows are left open

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004, Olivier Tharan wrote:

>* Gilbert C Healton <ghealton at overpass.exit109.com> (20040614 11:59):
>> Is there a script that does most of the work for converting CPAN modules
>> into BSD ports, such as the various p5-* ports? I've a number of modules
>> to make ports out of and am looking for the best way out.
>Just install the modules with CPAN, there is a hack with
>FreeBSD's Perl (BSDPAN) which automagically registers your
>modules as installed ports (with a `bsdpan-' prefix).

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