clayton rollins crollins666 at
Sat Jun 12 23:35:20 GMT 2004

Hi all,

I'm in a situation where I think I have to use LIB_DEPENDS,
but want some advice before moving forward.

The specific library I'm trying to link to is devel/icu2. Is
there a convenient way to include this? (Say,
USE_ICU2=yes, which I didn't  see.) Or, am I stuck using

If I'm stuck with LIB_DEPENDS, is there a way dynamically
support the dependency? ICU 2.6 and greater will work,
can I tell LIB_DEPENDS this somehow, or do have to link to
the version in ports and update this Makefile for each
update to icu2?

Also, do libraries registered with LIB_DEPENDS count as
runtime depencies, or should I explicitely include that?
I assume it does, but figured I'd ask since I'm writing

Thanks in advance,
Clayton Rollins

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