URW Type1 Fonts

Jose M Rodriguez freebsd at wanadoo.es
Sun Jun 6 10:28:33 GMT 2004

I'm the originator of PRs ports/67516, ports/67552, ports/67574 and 

All this is about make the min changes to ports for the next goals:
	- get the most uptodate URW type1 fonts from only one place
		achieved by ports/67516
	- make min changes to gs ports to use this port and don't install fonts
		via ports/67574 ports/67596
	- teach fontconfig/libXFT about gsfonst.
		via ports/67552
	- teach xfs/Xserver about gsfonts.
		this mail related.

And I think this is not a so trivial task.

¿Can be x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable changed to not install Type1 
fonts by default?

ttf fonts seems enough for fullfill the needs of the apps depends.  And 
the fontconfig change make the gsfonts (type1 URW fonts) avaiable via 

The x11-fonts/XFree86-4-fontScalable may RUN_DEPENDS on print/gsfonts if 
we need type1 fonts.

But I have no idea about how to change the default config of xfs, or the 
generated XF86Config.

I do these changes by hand, But I notice the method in print/gsfonts 

Also, I managed gsfonts to use Adobe fontmetrics in fonts.dir, so the 
port may be a candidate for replacement of urwfonts as depend of ports 
like jdk14 (Can anyone test this. It seems working here).

After the changes. I'm using just one versión of the URW type1 fonts, 
from a well defined place and port, shared vi xfs, Xserver, libXFT, 
fontconfig and java.

Maybe these changes welcome?
Can I offer a patch (by mail or send-pr) against 
Can anyone work in xfs/XF86Config if needed?


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