retrieving OpenOffice 1.1 fails

Erich Dollansky oceanare at
Wed Jul 28 10:47:45 PDT 2004


epilogue wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 23:16:47 +0800
> Erich Dollansky <oceanare at> wrote:
>>I try to build OpenOffice-1.1 on FreeBSD 5.2 RELEASE since last Sunday.
>>Make is not able to download the sources from any of the servers.
>>I updated the ports tree every day since then and it still does not work.
>>Are there any other URLs known where to get OpenOffice?
> with a little effort googling or digging around in the
> section or learning the portupgrade+portdowngrade tools, i am sure that you
> will be able to locate the sources.  however, i would suggest saving both

The problem was, when I did this, the source has not been at the 
servers. To add to this, I normally use as my source for 
those things. This server is currently not available.

> yourself and your machine a lot of time and energy.
> 1) visit and _bookmark_

This is what I did earlier.

> 2) click the link to packages and find the version for you
> 3) download and place in /usr/ports/packages/All
> 4) package_add /path/to/file

I came until here.

> 5) start working with oo.

But could not start working as I ran into a version conflict on some 
libraries which would automatically be fixed if I would compile it on 
the target machine.

My good luck is, it looks like that I found the sources at an Australian 



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