mod_php4 port and php extension support?

Sean O'Connell oconnell at
Sun Jul 25 12:46:09 PDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-07-24 at 01:42, Alex Dupre wrote:
> Sean O'Connell wrote:
> > After you re-arranged the php port structure, what is the correct way to
> > tell mod_php4 to include mysql support?
> Read ports/UPDATING.


Yes. I did read ports UPDATING, but it wasn't quite clear to me that the
new php4-extensions would do the right things as far as mod_php4 was

What I ended up doing was removing mod_php4 and then just installing
php4-extensions. This installed php4 and everything works fine. The
confusion was that if you are just interested mod_php4, will installing
the php4-extensions after updating the port have the desired effect? My
guess is "yes", but that isn't clear (and I haven't tried it).

It would be nice if postupgrade message for mod_php4 flashed and said
"if your php application requires any php extensions, cd
/usr/ports/lang/php4-extensions and do a make install".

Sean O'Connell
Office of Engineering Computing           oconnell at
Jacobs School of Engineering, UCSD        858-534-9716

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