isc-dhcp3-server and OS X

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Sat Jul 24 10:01:42 PDT 2004

Eric Osterweil wrote:
[ ... ]
> Basically, I've re-OSed the mac, and I can still only
> get a lease from the dhcp server once in a LONG while.
> What's worse is, I am able to connect to other DHCP
> servers (like those built into access points).

I have a number of MacOS 10.3 clients connecting to the ISC DHCP software 
running under FreeBSD with no special issues.  Once in a while, the DHCP 
software seems to become confused by it's own leases file, so perhaps try 
deleting the leases file (under /var/db/) and restarting dhcpd.


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