Question about portlint WARN/FATAL errors

Randy Pratt rpratt1950 at
Sat Jul 10 13:02:05 PDT 2004

I ran portlint on quite a few existing ports and was quite surprised
at the amount of WARN and FATAL errors that existed.  Another thread
that was discussing www/http_load is what made me look.

# portlint http_load
FATAL: Makefile: no MAINTAINER listed.
WARN: Makefile: "PKGNAMESUFFIX" has to appear earlier.
1 fatal errors and 1 warnings found.

I started looking at other categories/ports and noticed that there
seemed to be a lot of WARN/FATAL.  You can see what I mean by

# cd /usr/ports/textproc
# for i in *; do echo "======="; echo $i; portlint $i; done | less

Has portlint been superceded by another tool or are these
warnings/errors indications of something else?

My ports tree/tools are all up-to-date as of last night.

Best regards,


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