Why do we have both ghostscript-gpl and ghostscript-gnu?

Jose M Rodriguez josemi at freebsd.jazztel.es
Thu Dec 30 00:20:44 PST 2004

David O'Brien wrote:

>What's the difference between ghostscript-gpl and ghostscript-gnu?  A
>diff of their Makefile's doesn't make it any clearer.
It was after a change in licence from the originator.

-gnu must remain at 7.x and unmaintained.
-gpl is the new 8.x source distribution.

At last here, the only problem I found is with cups-pstoraster, with 
really need the -gnu thing installed.

I'm working on integrate de cups device directly in gs, but ENOTIME.  
I'll work a patch in the future.

For the rest, you may define GHOSTSCRIPT_PORT to test -gpl.
Working here.


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