INDEX build failed for 4.x

Kris Kennaway kris at
Thu Dec 23 13:35:49 PST 2004

INDEX build failed with errors:
Generating INDEX - please wait..instant-workstation-1.0_8: "/vol/vol0/users/kris/ports.clean/print/acroread5" non-existent -- dependency list incomplete
===> misc/instant-workstation failed
*** Error code 1
*** Error code 1

Stop in /vol/vol0/users/kris/ports.clean.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /vol/vol0/users/kris/ports.clean.
1 error

Committers on the hook:
knu krion linimon markus mezz trevor wes 

Most recent CVS update was:
U Mk/
U Mk/
U accessibility/atk/Makefile
U databases/ruby-bdb/Makefile
U databases/ruby-bdb/distinfo
U databases/ruby-bdb/pkg-plist
U devel/glib20/Makefile
U ftp/kbear/Makefile
U ftp/kbear/pkg-plist
U japanese/rskkserv/Makefile
U japanese/rskkserv/pkg-plist
U lang/ruby18/Makefile
U lang/ruby18/distinfo
U lang/ruby18/pkg-plist
U mail/mimedefang/pkg-install
U mail/mimedefang/files/
U print/Makefile
U print/acroread/Makefile
U print/acroread/distinfo
U print/acroread/pkg-descr
U print/acroread/pkg-plist
U print/acroread/files/patch-aa
U print/kover/Makefile
U sysutils/pdumpfs/Makefile
U sysutils/pdumpfs/distinfo
U sysutils/portupgrade/Makefile
U sysutils/portupgrade/distinfo
U www/ruby-div/Makefile
U www/ruby-div/files/patch-install.rb
U www/ruby-fcgi/Makefile
U www/ruby-fcgi/distinfo
U x11-toolkits/Makefile
U x11-toolkits/ruby-tk/pkg-plist
U x11-toolkits/xtermcontrol/Makefile
U x11-toolkits/xtermcontrol/distinfo
U x11-toolkits/xtermcontrol/pkg-descr

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