gpgme 1.x and 0.3 conflict

Clement Laforet sheepkiller at
Mon Dec 20 06:11:56 PST 2004


As may of you may have noticed, we now have 2 conflicting gpgme libs. In
most of cases, it should not hurt. I've faced a problem when I run a
build packages for various desktop installation. I need KDE 3.x and
sylpheed (my girlfriend uses both). Unfortunalty, they can't coexist
because of kdepim dependency on gpgme-1.x and sylpheed on gpgme-0.3.

I've made a patch to fix the conflict, but... third apps like sylpheed*
need patching. To minimize the amount of patches (just replacing
gpgme-config with gpgme03-config), we should move gpgme.h header to
${LOCALBASE}/include/gpgpme directory. [lofi's Cc'd for review]

I'm volunteer to do all the crappy work (patching and testing different


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