rc.d script (and PATH)

Lewis Thompson lewiz at fajita.org
Sun Dec 5 18:18:28 PST 2004


I'm trying to create a rcNG-style startup script for multimedia/freevo
but I receive:  ``can't find python version with installed freevo'' when
the script is executed at startup/shutdown.  I suspect this is because
PATH in /etc/rc does not specify any /usr/local entries.

  I am wondering what is the correct way to go about handling this --
should I just add PATH=$PATH:$PREFIX in the startup script (where
$PREFIX is expanded to the install-time PREFIX at install) or is there
some other way?

  Thanks very much,


I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.  --Bob Dylan, 1964.
-| msn:lewiz at fajita.org | jabber:lewiz at jabber.org | url:www.lewiz.org |-
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