Where did PEAR go???

Gerard Samuel gsam at trini0.org
Tue Sep 2 20:56:56 PDT 2003

Thierry Thomas wrote:

>Le Mar  2 sep 03 à 22:31:07 +0200, Gerard Samuel <gsam at trini0.org>
> écrivait :
>>Thanks for the heads up.  But I wonder why Chora hasn't complained as 
>>yet about missing pear-* packages.
>>Maybe it doesn't need them....
>Yes, strange... Chora don't need them, but it depends on Horde!
>What does `pkg_info -I -x horde' report?
I installed Chora/Horde by hand, not via the ports system, so a pkg_info 
isn't going to report anything.
If you're wondering about the version, its 2.1

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