Kopete 7.3

Sean Chittenden sean at chittenden.org
Sun Oct 19 20:26:34 PDT 2003

> Thanks to everyone, 0.7.2 is in ports, it installs and runs fine with 
> the MSN protocol - which was my problem. 
> However, the port is still marked 0.7 so it doesn't show up in a 
> portversion call if you already have 0.7 installed. So, unless someone 
> happens across this conversation, they are unlikely to know there is an 
> update.

This is because your INDEX file is stale (it's almost always stale,
actually), but INDEX gets updated periodically (once every two-three
weeks or so) to combat this problem.  Use `portsdb -Uu` to update your
index... it takes about 15-20min of really hard disk grinding (I do it
about nightly on a nice SCSI machine and then scp the resulting INDEX
to a farm of boxen).


Sean Chittenden

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