INDEX fails at /usr/ports/palm

Robert English drakcap at
Tue May 6 17:29:38 PDT 2003

Hello -

just a few minutes ago, after doing the regular daily cvsup, the
index compile broke - it left this message at the top of the
resulting index file:

*** Error code 1|||||||
Stop in /usr/ports/palm.|||||||
Stop in /usr/ports.|||||||
There is no COMMENT variable defined|||||||
for this port. Please, rectify this.

Yesterday's compile of INDEX (at about this same time) was
perfectly OK.  The end of today's file, which is about 1.4 Megs
instead of its usual 3.2 Megs, lists the news/yencode port as
the last entry.

Who broke the index (woof - woof - woof-woof)

That'd make a pretty good rap tune, but I think it's been done.

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