Boehm GC update busted?

Juli Mallett jmallett at
Sat May 3 15:44:25 PDT 2003

* Kris Kennaway <kris at> [ Date: 2003-05-03 ]
	[ w.r.t. Re: Boehm GC update busted? ]
> On Sat, May 03, 2003 at 05:17:59PM -0500, Juli Mallett wrote:
> > Boehm GC update seems to be b?rken.  Any thoughts?  This is
> > breaking Mono, and my ability to support it as such.
> > 
> > I can't imagine that nothing else is affected.  Is this due
> > to some sort of c++ "features" added or such?  "gxx" smacks
> > of g++.
> > 
> > (jmallett at dalek:~/Work/MonoHaq/mono)16% cat _.c
> > void main() { GC_malloc(); }
> > (jmallett at dalek:~/Work/MonoHaq/mono)17% cc _.c -L/usr/local/lib -lgc
> > _.c: In function `main':
> > _.c:1: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
> > /usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
> This indicates that there is C++ code that is trying to be linked with
> the C library.  This usually means that you have to use g++ to link
> the binary instead of gcc.

It wasn't this case until the _1 portrevision of the most recent
thing, from what I saw in my pkg_info before and after an upgrade
to check a user's problem report.  Is it going to be this way for
good?  I suspect POLA damage, but in any case, if this is the
accepted truth of the matter, can we get a knob for things using
boehm to use c++ for CC?  I'm not too keen on the idea in any
case, but something other than mungeing ports using boehm would
seem more appealing.

juli mallett. email: jmallett at; efnet: juli;

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