old version of makeinfo causes some ports to fail.

Rob Andrews rob at cyberpunkz.org
Sat Jun 7 10:18:54 PDT 2003

Anything which is dependant upon updated versions of makeinfo such as
bison or some of the plugins to mod_php4 may cause a failed compile
under older versions of FreeBSD.

I stumbled upon this yesterday on a 4.6.2-R system while attempting to
update bison and mod_php4 to current.

I had not seen anything posted about this but due to the fact that
mod_php4's recent update addresses specific security concerns I felt
that this should be looked into since makeinfo is part of the base
system and the current cvs tree for 4.6.2 does not reflect any updates
which correct this problem.

This problem has not come up on 4.8 systems.  I do not currently have
any 4.7 systems to check this against.

Rob Andrews
RELI Networks, Inc.
Atlanta, GA.

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