port outdated...

Frank Altpeter frank at altpeter.de
Fri Aug 29 10:14:40 PDT 2003

hi there,

Is it possible that someone would care about deskutils/gtimer ?
There is a new version available since March 2003, but it doesn't
seem that there is an active maintainer for this port left...

I think the port is worth maintainance, since there are only few
good and small time tracking tools out there (not everyone needs
something big like gnotime)...

BTW: the current ports version does (on my host) dump core on trying
to automatically check for an updated version via http.

Too bad that this function doesn't seem to be deactivatable, but i
already contacted the author for this.

With kind regards,

	Frank Altpeter

You can always find what you're not looking for.

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